Sunday, May 13, 2007

....It starts.

Wow..I actually have a blog. For some reason I thought it would be harder than this. Typical me.

I guess the point of writing here rather than in a diary is so others can read it. So, I suppose I should tell you a little about myself. Don't be discouraged by the mundane basics. If you get past all of the boring stuff, I promise things will pick up in later posts. Just wanted to give you a little background info.

My name is Lorien. I am married to my husband of over 6 years, Kevin. He is an infantryman the Marine Corps and has been since before I met him. We have three beautiful, wonderful, daughters...all five years old and under. We currently live in So. Cal...but that is likely to change sooner than later. I sell on ebay for a living. Nothing glamorous, but I have had numerous realizations and crazy experiences because of it so you will see me write about some of those things.

I am very interested in politics. I consider myself a moderate but conservatives would call me a left wing nutter. I know much more about politics than most of my peers. I find it frustrating so I will likely "talk" about my ideas and opinions here instead.

I do not have an English degree, or any degree for that matter, so bear (bare?) with me and my less than perfect grammar, punctuation, and syntax. I will try my best.

I was raised a Christian, sort of. Jesus, yes. Creationism, No. We never went to church and I have never read the Bible. I have tried, but already had serious questions before I got through the first third of Genesis. I figured I had better put it down before it turned me into an atheist.

I love to read. Epic tales, Fantasy, Mystery, thrillers, Newspapers, Blogs. I am an equal opportunity reader. As completely lame as it makes me sound, I am counting the days until the last installment of Harry Potter is released.

I love playing Texas Hold 'Em poker and fancy myself pretty good. One day I will play at the World Series. With a $10K buy-in, it might not be until I'm 85, but it will happen.

I love a great meal, especially one that would make Dr. Atkins roll over in his grave. What can I say, I Love carbs. Not that my waistline wouldn't benefit from a low carb lifestyle, I just don't diet. I'd way rather be chubby than hungry.

I am intrigued by fashion and it's marketing yet I've never been much of a fashionista. My closet consists of 20 pairs of jeans, all of which look very similar and all of which came from Old Navy or the Gap, and various tops and tees. Nothing really sexy or trendy. I'm a practical girl living in a barbie/material world. It's not that I don't appreciate a cute top, or a fabulous dress...In fact, I often drool over designers new lines for each season. My life just doesn't call for such things these days. I have found a way to incorporate it into my everyday life though, and that is through ebay.

I love me a bargain. I am a thrift store junkie...thus, my blog name. I rarely shop anywhere else, and you'd be amazed at what I've found. It really is incredible what people give away.

So there you go. A little about me and what I love. I opted not to write about what I loathe, yet. You'll have plenty of opportunity to read about that later.